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Tesla moment in Business Continuity

Can Business Continuity Software be champion-friendly?

Automation of Business Continuity Programs has been a thriving market and an evolving digital landscape. The enablement of automation to Business Continuity seems to be a far stretched promise in today’s position.

US, UK, Australia, Middle East, Asia, and other critical markets have regulations and mandates in regards to Business Continuity Programs. Considering the value savings in terms of operating expenditure and efficiency the tool brings about, the automation of Business Continuity seemed like a logical proposition to be part of.

So what’s the issue? Well, similar to the evolution of the electric vehicle. The concept was promising, the delivery was evolving, however, before Tesla, we could argue that a true EV was never really existent in the market. Such is the parallel for the BCM automation industry.

The proposition is valid, use cases are abundant, the software is being built, however, there is no user-centric, intuitive, and immersive software out there.

Until now!

BCM next aims to be the champion-centric, end-to-end program management assistant that is essential for planning and action.

It aims to not become a software promising to be a tool and end up being a database repository storing data points and BIA sheets, But a tool that the champions are willing to utilize the tool for their annual BCM upkeep.

A database repository is a storage entity that stores enterprise data for analytical or reporting purposes. A data repository aims to preserve a subset of data separated to be mined for more insight or business intelligence or used for a specific reporting requirement.

Would an orchestrator ever design the opera for his benefit, rather than the orchestra and the audience? Such is the state of the current Business Continuity Software. It is an orchestrator focused and aims at pleasing the Business Continuity Manager rather than the champions and end-users.

The user interactions from most of these tools seem to be so archaic, that it needs to have a disruptive interface, that leverages the power of AI and It is possible!

Imagine the power of computing put to use in predicting the threats faced, proposing possible enablers, suggesting feasible strategies, and drafting business continuity plan actions. Such a holistic digital tool evolves to be an assistant. Such is the power of BCM next.

It is an end-to-end program manager, that has 4 key modes.

Define – That helps draft vision and guidelines for the Business Continuity Program. Design – That helps identify your key priorities and identify suitable recovery plans. Embed – That helps in training champions and monitoring the implementation of the plans identified. Improve- That helps in testing and audit of program maturity.

This enables the data related to the business continuity program to be seated in one place, proving to be a single source of truth, providing real-time analysis of the program status.

The aim is to transform the way we value automation of business continuity programs. We foresee BCM next influencing a transformation in the way business continuity automation is being measured.

A Tesla to the Business Resilience world!


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